When To Take Down Your Christmas Tree


Confusion hits many families all over the country of when Christmas time is over, and when the right time to take your festive decorations down.

Christmas traditionally marks the birth of Jesus and formally begins on the 25th December and the 11 following days after are celebrated as the Christmas period. Many people who aren’t religious don’t follow this and celebrate Christmas as a festive period throughout the whole of December, it’s a time of giving and receiving and spending time with friends and loved ones. Some people follow the superstition that your tree should be taken down on the 12th day, which is the 5th January, if not it's believed to be bad luck.

Another popular time people put their tree up is the 1st of December when the advent calendar countdown begins. Taking them down usually happens just after New Years eve making way for a fresh clean home welcoming in the new year. Studies actually show people who have their decorations up for longer are generally happier. (We’re definitely in that group of people).

Whether you follow religious traditions, or your own nonreligious family traditions, there technically is no right or wrong time to take your decorations down.

Here at WeRChristmas we love, live and breath all things Christmas, we usually take our trees down between 30th December to the 3rd January. Comment below and let us know what your traditions are and don’t forget to tag us on social media in all your wonderful festive creations.

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